11 canlyniad
Rhestrir y canlyniadau yn ôl perthnasedd.
Cymraeg: CAD
Saesneg: TLR
Cymraeg: CADs
Saesneg: CADs
Cymraeg: Taliadau CAD
Saesneg: TLR Payments
Saesneg: Certificate in Computer Aided Design (CAD) Parametric Modelling
Cymraeg: Chad
Saesneg: Chad
Cymraeg: GAD
Saesneg: DQR
Cymraeg: I'r Gad
Saesneg: Call to Action
Cymraeg: ar flaen y gad
Saesneg: cutting edge
Cymraeg: Gad hi neu ti geith hi!
Saesneg: Stop it or Cop it
Saesneg: Development Quality Requirements (DQR) for Existing and Rehabilitated Dwellings
Saesneg: Business and Environment Action Plan for Wales - businesses in Wales in the vanguard of making more with less