10 canlyniad
Rhestrir y canlyniadau yn ôl perthnasedd.
Cymraeg: concordat
Saesneg: concordat
Cymraeg: concordat cyffredin
Saesneg: overarching concordat
Cymraeg: Concordat Cymru
Saesneg: Wales Concordat
Cymraeg: concordat gofal mewn argyfwng
Saesneg: crisis care concordat
Saesneg: Concordat on the Co-ordination of EU Policy Issues
Saesneg: Concordat on Co-ordination of European Union Policy Issues
Saesneg: Welsh Mental Health Crisis Care Concordat
Saesneg: Concordat between the Department for Education and Skills and the Cabinet of the National Assembly for Wales
Cymraeg: Y Concordat ar Drefniadau Rheoli Cyfleoedd Pysgota a Thrwyddedu Cychod Pysgota yn y Deyrnas Unedig
Saesneg: Concordat on Management Arrangements for Fishing Opportunities and Fishing Vessel Licensing in the United Kingdom
Saesneg: Concordat Between Bodies Inspecting, Regulating and Auditing Health and Social Care in Wales