Neidio i'r prif gynnwy


Attendees included: local authority inclusion leads and directors of service, the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA), the Association of Directors of Education in Wales (ADEW), the National Academy for Educational Leadership, colleges, Estyn, the Education Tribunal for Wales (ETW), SNAP Cymru, the Children’s Commissioner for Wales, health board directors of service, and the Welsh Government (WG).

1. Welcomes and Introductions

The chair started the meeting, apologies were given for four members

2. Minutes and actions

Two open actions were discussed and agreed, the remaining actions from the last meeting were completed prior to the meeting.

3. Initial information on ALN Tribunals from ETW

An ETW representative shared anecdotal evidence relating to ALN Tribunals.

4. Initiating the Children and Young people participation project (Children in Wales)

Children in Wales shared information on CIW’s Children and Young people participation project, which aims to provide a conduit for CYP to share insight and feedback on their experiences of transferring from the old SEN system to ALN, and to empower CYP with ALN at all stages of their education to engage in and influence decisions that will affect them.

CIW would share insights with the Steering Group in due course.

5. Welsh Government business

a) Disability Rights Taskforce – coproduction of future plans

An official from WG’s Equality and Human Rights division joined the meeting to seek volunteers for a CYP working group. Group members agreed to disseminate information to their networks.

An interim report would be shared with the Steering Group in due course.

b) Update on the implementation timeline

WG officials confirmed that the recent changes to the ALN implementation timeline aims to give schools, PRUs and local authorities discretion, time, and flexibility to move the remaining children to the ALN system. Children in Year 10 and Year 6 next academic year will need to move on to the ALN system by the summer 2024.

Amended practitioner guidance will be republished in the summer term.

c) Post-16 specialist placements update

WG officials advised that WG have not yet come to a decision on specialist placement funding. Discussions will continue with LAs and stakeholders.

d) Children, Young People and Education Committee monitoring of education reform implementation

WG officials took the group through the Minister for Education, Social Justice and the Welsh Language’s session with the Children, Young People and Education Committee.

6. Any Other Business

WG officials and health representatives discussed the development of DECLO’s key performance indicators, which were to be reported to the NHS Executive Board.

Next meeting 6 July 2023 at 10.30am.